Our Mental health and wellbeing
The theme of the first pilot episode of our new chat show, The Living Room, was 'Coping with COVID and Lessons from lockdown', which had a focus on mental health and wellbeing.
Below are a few resources and organisations you might find helpful as you navigate the uncharted territory of coping with COVID.
Mental health charities
Kintsugi Hope
A UK-based charity that strives to make a difference in people's mental health and wellbeing. They run Wellbeing Groups through churches for people who have felt, or feel overwhelmed, providing tools for self-management in a facilitated peer mentoring style.
A mental health charity that provides support, resources and campaigning. There are many useful information resources and stories around issues such as wellbeing, work-life balance and young people.
Mind and Soul Foundation
A Christian charity that educates on mental health and Christianity, equips those who are going through emotional distress and engage with local churches on mental health services.
A volunteer-based listening service to help people in need, by telephone, email, letter or a self-help app.
Young Minds
A mental health charity for young people that works to ensure that they get the best possible mental health support and have resilience to overcome life's challenges.
Online resources
4 Mental health
This resource helps you practically build your wellbeing and gives ideas to help you cope, including the 30-3-30 approach of things you can do in 30 seconds, 3 minutes and 30 minutes.
How are you feeling NHS?
This easy-to-use tool was originally developed for NHS staff to help them talk openly about emotional wellbeing. It's useful if you're a manager, employer or individual wanting to take time out to self-assess where you're at.
Rethink Mental Health
Rethink has an online information hub with practical support and information on managing physical and mental wellbeing including blogs from people with lived experience of mental illness, carers and health and social care professionals.
The Coronavirus: how God can comfort you in the midst of uncertainty
CRU (Campus Crusade) has put together some resources to help you process the complexities of COVID-19.
Domestic violence
Freephone 24-hour national domestic abuse line.
Resources for churches
Mental health access pack
A resource for churches to help them support people with mental health problems, including common conditions to look out for, practical tips for caring for people and what the Bible says about medications and faith.
Wellbeing Groups
Kintsugi Hope runs Wellbeing Groups with churches around mental and emotional wellbeing. Do you want to apply to run one? Find out more by clicking the link above.
Faith and domestic abuse: recommendations for faith leaders
FaithAction report into domestic abuse in faith communities challenges faith leaders to do something to address it in communities.